Starting your first proper job after university is bound to be a little nerve wracking, but what about when you’re working from home and you haven’t met all your colleagues in the flesh?
I wasn’t sure what to expect as the newest full time member of Allegory Communications, given the pressures of remote working, and the general economic uncertainty – yet, my first month has been truly amazing. My colleagues have made me feel unbelievably welcome and I got a feel for the team’s warmth and positivity very early on.
Our daily team meetings are a perfect start to the day. It’s a great way to check in with the whole team and find out what their priorities are for the day ahead. It adds a personal touch to the new ways of virtual working.
I was expecting to be doing tedious admin-type tasks that no one else wanted to do and yet, I was so wrong. At Allegory, I have truly been in the midst of it all: pitching to journalists, meeting influencers from across the world and creating exciting new content for our clients and platforms.
I think the best aspect of Allegory is that the team gives you the opportunity to have a go at everything. This can seem daunting at first as the newest member of the team, but even as a newbie, the team genuinely values your opinion and input.
Being split across business development and client facing work means that I get to experience the best of both worlds: working with clients that are at the pinnacle of their industry, while also getting to work on new and exciting internal projects. The variation keeps you on your toes!
When people say that agency life is fast-paced, they really mean it. With a packed diary and multiple meetings a day, it is impressive how the team juggles different projects and deadlines. Being new in the industry, it is pivotal to stay organised and on top of your workload.
Begin the day prioritising your to-do-list
It’s easy to become bogged down with multiple tasks and approaching deadlines. It’s crucial to start your day by organising your to-do list, beginning with the most important actions first.
Block out time for urgent actions (and lunch)
The team has very different schedules and work patterns. You’ll need to be strict with your time management, while also maintaining a level of flexibility. If you want to get the work done, then block out time to do so! It is also important to block out the time for lunch, as otherwise you’ll be sitting at your desk all day.
Ask questions (always!)
While soaking up all the new information and acronyms flying around, it is expected that you will have a million questions. The team made it clear very early on that it was absolutely okay to ask questions. The exchange of ideas can overcome any new challenges and you may find a more creative and effective solution in the process!
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